About Me

woman smiling in a theater

Hi, my name is Kristen!

This is my little corner of the internet I created in order to house my English theater reviews for a project during my Master’s degree studies. As a current Master’s student in English Studies at LMU in Munich, Germany, I was tasked with creating my own project over the course of a semester. What started as an idea to simply attend various English theater productions around the city, soon developed into my chance at being a theater critic and creating this blog.

Being a theater critic is no easy task, but I enjoyed attending all of the productions and creating this outlet. The added bonus is that I can use this blog for the future to share anything I would like as I continue on my writing journey. Who knows where it will lead me!

Originally from the United States, I currently live in Munich, Germany with my husband. I love theater, art, food and anything that makes life more fun and beautiful.